A Magical Adventure
2h 15min | Idioma _cc781905-5cde- 3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_| Producer Director
In an atmosphere of suspense and mystery, four teenagers live a great adventure in the feature film by SICOM FILMES PRODUÇÕES.
Protagonist of the story a teenage couple decides to climb a hill to take selfies at sunset, they get lost in the woods and try to return without success, they end up finding a cabin inhabited by a mystical character who welcomes the two young people. To pass the time, the elder begins to tell stories and stories of his people, as the first inhabitants of the region. The tale also involves two indigenous teenagers, in love and forbidden to live a great love.

A pre-teen couple, children of an important businessman invited to launch a real estate complex in a city by the sea, are strolling along the beachfront, impressed by the beauty, decide to climb a hill to take sunset selfies. Not knowing the way, they get lost, after several attempts to even go back, they end up finding a cabin in the middle of a forest.
In that hut there was an old man, a mixture of Indian/caboclo, a mystical character, who invites them to take shelter, the Old Man offers a soup to scare away hunger. To help pass the time of the long night that would start, the Old Man begins to tell the stories of Raoni, a brave warrior committed to his tribe that his son Piatã, would marry Amana, it turns out that Piatã had fallen in love with Tuane.
The wedding day was approaching, the groom went out to pick fruit, when he came across Tuane, the young man threw himself into the water and they embraced, one went after the other, Tuane is bitten by a snake, Piatã takes the girl's hand and tries to suck the venom, she tries to stop it, as she knows it can kill him. Seeing the blood in her lover's mouth, the girl jumps into the water, as if inviting her to accompany her. Astonished, Piatã followed her without knowing what was happening or where she was going. He goes after her until she disappears, Piatã climbs a mountain to see if he can find it, when he sees everything hopeless, he becomes static, gives a deafening scream, petrifying himself, giving rise to the Face of the Indian existing in the locality.
In the city, the parents of the two young people mobilize the police, the press, and the authorities in search of their children. Police officers enter the woods with flashlights, cars with sirens on, dark streets and alleys are surveyed, the noise of drones and helicopters. The press and TVs publishing photos of the couple of boys.
People think they fled, others that they were abducted and a small portion think they were kidnapped. Meanwhile in the cabin the boys are immersed attentive to the stories narrated by the Old Man. Dawn breaks and the old man indicates the way back to the beach to the young people who soon find journalists who were looking for them. Without understanding the boys discover that they were absent for 3 nights. A new mystery presents itself.