Roots Memories of a People (2023)
2h 15min | Idioma _cc781905-5cde- 3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_| Producer Director
“Raízes – Memórias de um Povo” is a fictional work that has historical facts as its guiding thread well before Cabral’s arrival, reaching the year 2022, when the 200th anniversary of Independence is celebrated. The work aims to portray remarkable historical moments that occurred on our soil. In a chronological line, hundreds of actors recreate events and interpret the trajectories of various characters in the country.
The film is a fictional work that has as its thread historical facts since the discovery of Brazil, until the year 2022, when the 200th anniversary of Independence is celebrated.
In a chronological line, hundreds of actors recreate events and interpret the trajectories of various characters in the country.
The documentary portrays the bravery of the indigenous Tupinambás, associated with the courage of the Arariboia chief in the fight against the French, which made it possible for the founder of the village of São Sebastião in Rio de Janeiro, Estácio de Sá, to subjugate the French, putting an end to the project of " França Antártica”. Another important character in this narrative is Father José de Anchieta, who played an important role in the formation and catechization of the first inhabitants.

We will travel through the trajectory of Dom Pedro I, heir to the Bragança dynasty, who renounced his right to occupy the Portuguese throne to take over the Brazilian empire. Pressure on Dom João VI in Portugal forced the king to demand the immediate departure of Dom Pedro I to the metropolis, which was disobeyed. The removal led Dom Pedro to become involved in the separatist movement, and, with the invaluable support of Empress Leopoldina, José Bonifácio and other leaders, to proclaim the independence of Brazil on September 7, 1822.
In this gallery of fundamental characters, the film shows the passage of naturalist Charles Darwin through Brazil, revealing the trails and roads he passed through. The film shows the English scientist's perplexity in the face of the suicide of slaves and his enchantment with the region's biodiversity.
The point of arrival of this great journey through time is modernity, the result of an important chain of continuous evolution through the ages. All this is contained in a dynamic account that gives an account of the living and real history of the struggle of a people in the appropriation of their land and their identity inserted in this nation called Brazil!